Well, here we are again. The first blog post is always the hardest because it feels like you have to have the blog all figured out before you can even start the thing, which of course is always so much easier said than done! I've blogged before, started, rebooted and deleted plenty of blog titles and posts. For whatever reason a fresh start is always so much easier than trying to reinvent the groundwork you've already laid...but maybe that's just me. :)
So here's a little bit about the blog...and me...
Here you'll find a mixed bag of goodies – everything from my lifestyle to self-help musings, current thoughts and opinions, to the adventures that delight my husband and me! I'm excited to begin this blog with a solid 31 (fingers crossed!) days of blog posts that was suggested by one of my favorite bloggers Jenni.
But enough about the blog already - you probably want to know more about me, eh? Well let’s get down to business!
I’m a city girl living in Oklahoma with my husband and two dogs. I'm also expecting a baby in September! My life's passion is throwing a great party and creating a beautiful home. I tend to dabble in art, photography and crafts, but not near as often as I would like! Here are a few other tidbits you might enjoy:
:: I read magazines back to front.
:: I love British Comedy and Wes Anderson movies.
:: I’m most complemented on my blue eyes.
:: I seriously could live off cheese. Seriously.
:: I’ve had a major crush on Tom Selleck most of my life.
:: You’ll rarely find me wearing any other shoes but heels.
:: I love having random conversations with strangers while waiting in line or riding public transportation.
:: Pulling off a terrific dinner party will always be one of my greatest accomplishments.
:: My guilty pleasure is romance novels.
:: I root for the Oklahoma City Thunder!
I’m so glad you’re here! Please have a seat and tell me your thoughts...you're welcome to stay as long as you'd like!