Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Blog Every Day in May Challenge: Day 1

I'm excited to be teaming up with Jenni to blog every day for the month of May!  Seeing as how consistent my posts were in my last blog, you can imagine that I am up for a challenge (to say the least!)  But I've been needing a swift kick to get back in the swing of things, which makes this an even better idea than anything I could dream up!

Day 1, Wednesday: The story of your life in 250 words or less (or one one will be counting your words...probably)

I was born and raised in a pretty idyllic small town in Western Oklahoma to very young parents.  I had an interesting upbringing in that one side of my family was very business oriented and somewhat formal and the other was very laid back and fun loving.  I feel like this was really the best of both worlds because not only was I exposed to lots of love from both sides, but I got such unique experiences from each.  On one side I was almost like my grandparent's fourth daughter (minus the discipline!), and on the other, I got plentiful exposure to the arts and business world.  Having both extremes has helped me feel comfortable in most situations.

By the time I was entering college, I was pretty underwhelmed by my small town existence and longed for bigger things (and brighter cities) when I met my husband Philip.  We dated six months before getting engaged and were married just ten months later.  I really feel like the life I was supposed to live began not long after we were married, and Philip has been the biggest reason I have been able to discover who I am really meant to be.  I am so thankful for my marriage! About six years after we tied the knot, I went back to school to pursue a masters degree in Counseling.  I LOVED my studies and found a lot of satisfaction in completing the program with honors.  For now I am content to be a housewife and volunteer, and we looking forward to a baby boy joining us come September!

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