Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Blog Every Day in May: The Things You're Most Afraid Of

Before I get into the nitty-gritty of my next post, I have to give a special shout out to my husband, Philip.  Today we are celebrating 9 years of marriage! I look back and I can't believe it's been that long, yet it feels like its gone by in the blink of an eye.  I am more thankful than ever to have met my perfect partner at 21, and I have no doubt that we will be able to tackle the next phase of our marriage... parenthood! Griffin is so lucky to have you for his dad!

A couple of kids: May 7, 2004

We're having a boy! 

So anyway...back to business...things I'm most afraid of...

1. Since becoming pregnant, my biggest fear is that something will go wrong with the baby. It's really difficult NOT to worry about that, and I think it definitely has to do with maternal instinct kicking in...there is no telling how many things I've googled out of pure fear of harming my child! (Seat warmers in the car are safe, by the way)

2.  Something happening to Philip...so this almost came true a few weeks ago, and now that we have a baby on the way (what IS it about these babies that put the fear of God in you?!) I am even more worried!  What happened was Philip acquired a blood clot (or two...or six) on our way back from London.  We believe it to be a genetic thing but brought on by the 10 hour flight home, but we were lucky to have caught it in time.  He was immediately hospitalized and has spent the last few weeks recuperating (and trying to walk) on the leg with the two clots (the other four were in his lungs) .  It was definitely a scary time, and one I am not anxious to re-live anytime soon.  The prayer I pray after the health of our baby is the health of my husband.

3.  Spiders...I know, this is lame, but I can't even LOOK at a spider in a book or magazine without getting the heebie-jeebies. Yuck!  They just freak me out...I think it stems from a rather horrendous moment in childhood...which...I'm just not even willing to go there in my mind - you'll have to take my word for it!

Image found here

That probably sums up my greater fears...anything you're afraid of that sends you into anxiety fits over the thought? I'd love to hear it!

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