Friday, May 17, 2013

Blog Every Day in May: A Photo

Day 17: A favorite photo of yourself and why.

So this is my grandmother and me at Cafe Lalo back in October 2011.  Philip surprised me by planning a trip with my grandparents to NYC, which was a awesomely sweet thing for him to do.  Back when I was growing up, my grandmother and I were super close (I actually call my G's Mom and Dad...long story) Anyway, Mom told me when I was younger that when I graduated high school she would take me anywhere I wanted to go.  The answer was always NYC.  Fast forward to my graduation in parents had decided to separate, and in the middle of all of that my college tuition was due.  Instead of taking me to New York, Mom had to paid my first semester college we never got to go.

I told Philip that when we were planning our honeymoon back in 2004, and he remembered all that time.  So when we had enough money put back, he brought up this grand idea to take Mom and Dad to New York since Mom and I hadn't gotten to make that trip.

We had a blast, and it is one of the best memories I have. So the reason I love this picture is because I'm in my favorite cafe, in my favorite city, with three of my favorite people...a picture can capture so much.

PS> If you missed Day 15, you can find it here, and Day 16 is here

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